
Computer storage is a critical component of any computing environment, whether it’s a server or desktop. In an enterprise setting, there are many different types of storage technologies that can be used to meet the needs of the business. One such technology is called Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID), which increases performance and reliability in virtual environments by providing redundancy and fault tolerance.

Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID)

RAID is a disk storage technology that allows you to combine multiple physical hard drives into a single logical unit. It’s used to increase performance and/or reliability, or both.

There are several types of RAID arrays, but the two most common are RAID 0 (striping) and RAID 1 (mirroring). A stripe set consists of multiple disks configured in parallel so that data is written across all disks at once; this improves performance by spreading out reads and writes across all available drives. In contrast, mirroring stores identical copies on each drive in an array; this improves reliability by ensuring redundancy if one drive fails or becomes inaccessible due to network problems or power failure.

RAID 6 uses block-level striping with dual parity schemes for extra protection against failures; it requires at least four disks in order for its full benefits to be realized

Virtual Machine File System (VMFS)

VMFS is a file system that is used by VMware ESXi to store virtual disks for virtual machines. VMFS is a clustered file system, which means it can be shared between multiple ESXi hosts. VMFS was introduced in vSphere 4 and has been updated since then with version 5 being released in 2016.

Virtual disks and guest file systems

In a virtual environment, you can use VMFS or NFS to create file systems that can be shared by multiple virtual machines.

Virtual disks are created on top of these guest file systems and then mapped to physical storage devices. The virtual disk is where your data will be stored and accessed from within the guest operating system.

In order to get the best performance from your virtual environment, it is recommended that you use RAID.

In order to get the best performance from your virtual environment, it is recommended that you use RAID.

RAID (Redundant Array of Inexpensive Disks) is a method of storing data on multiple hard drives. It can be used to increase performance and/or provide redundancy, which protects against data loss in case one of the drives fails. RAID has been around since before virtualisation became popular and continues to be used today because it provides benefits that are important for any organisation looking to protect its business critical information from potential risks such as hardware failure or theft.


In conclusion, if you want to get the best performance from your virtual environment, it’s important that you use RAID. This can be done in several ways: using VMFS, using guest file systems or even just using multiple disks on the same host. In all cases, there are some trade-offs between performance and reliability which you need to consider when making decisions about how many copies of each data block should be stored (and where).