On International Women’s Day, we celebrate the achievements of women across all industries and pay tribute to their contributions towards a better future. The IT and Technology Managed Services industry is no exception, where women have made significant strides and broken many barriers to pave the way for a more inclusive and diverse future.

According to recent statistics, women constitute only 24% of the IT and Technology Managed Services industry. Despite this under-representation, women have been able to make significant progress, contributing to some of the industry’s most groundbreaking projects.

The IT and Technology Managed Services industry provides opportunities for women to contribute their expertise and talents to solve complex problems and make a meaningful difference in the world. Many women in IT and Technology Managed Services have been at the forefront of developing innovative solutions to solve some of the world’s most significant challenges, from climate change to cybersecurity.

Women in IT and Technology Managed Services have also played a critical role in shaping the future of work. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital technologies, and women in IT and Technology Managed Services have been instrumental in ensuring business continuity and enabling remote work.

Despite these achievements, women in IT and Technology Managed Services still face significant challenges. They continue to be under-represented in leadership positions, and the gender pay gap remains a persistent problem.

To overcome these challenges, we need to continue supporting and empowering women in IT and Technology Managed Services. This can be achieved through initiatives such as mentorship programs, training opportunities, and creating more inclusive workplaces.

In conclusion, on this International Women’s Day, we recognize and celebrate the achievements of women in IT and Technology Managed Services. We must continue to work towards creating a more inclusive and diverse industry that provides equal opportunities for all. By doing so, we can ensure that women continue to play a vital role in shaping the future of technology and the world we live in.