From 2025 over 1.6 million bisinesses will be running unsuported phone systems. It’s time to move to a VoIP based system.
BT announced a few years ago they will no longer support ISDN and PSTN networks from 2025, however, the transition started in early 2019. We are now 4 years away from the “Shut-Off” date, and so we thought it would be good to give you some more information.
What is ISDN? ISDN stands for Integrated Service Digital Network and is the backbone of the UK’s telephony and broadband infrastructure. ISDN enabled digital transmission of voice, video & data over the traditional Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). ISDN was a step up from PSTN initially, as it allowed multiple phone calls over the same line.
How will I be affected?
If you have a telephony contract coming for renewal soon, you should start exploring alternative solutions such as VoIP. We are now at a stage where VoIP will not only save you money but will also increase user productivity.
What are my options?
Cloud Hosted
Cloud-hosted phone systems such as Circle Loop are innovative, flexible, and scalable, hosted, and managed in the cloud. This simplifies usability and allows easy and fast deployment.
IP Telephony
VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) enables voice calls to be made and received over the Internet. You can enjoy all of the features of a great telephony system without any onsite equipment and at a fraction of the cost.
If you would like to find out more or would like further information on how we could help, then get in touch today.