What is Windows 365?
Windows 365 is Microsoft’s take at simplifying and making Hosted Desktops, easier and more accessible to both the consumer and business markets alike. At the base level, Windows 365 is a Hosted desktop both Windows 10 & ( Windows 11) when it is released. For a basic price of £26.40 per month, you can have yourself a Windows 10 or 11 PC in the cloud.

Since 2020 we have been stricken with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has, in turn, led to many people working from home, especially for small to medium-sized businesses. Now, for WFH (Working From Home) to be an option the most popular setups that have been used are End-Users using TeamViewer or a VPN to access their work PC from their Home PC. This is less than adequate as it is not as secure as you may think and can lead to further GDPR and security breaches and issues.
Businesses with a little more money available have been using hosted Desktops for a while, however, this means that you are held under the promise from IT companies that they can maintain, update, support, and provide uptimes for the Hosted desktops, that are just not realistic as a lot of these businesses have small teams that are attempting to monetize on their clients and have very few Disaster Recovery plans and failsafe’s if the servers that the Hosted Desktop was to go down.
From the looks of it, Microsoft is hoping to solve the issues of reliability, management, and affordability with Windows 365. Now, this service is available, it will be interesting to see what becomes of its use case with small to medium-sized businesses.
G3 IT Services, are currently testing the service, in the hope that we can start to utilize the service for our clients. So soon, your Hosted Desktop will be Hosted by Microsoft and Managed by us, in essence, an affordable, reliable, and secure platform for your business that enables and improves WFH ( Working From Home ).
If you are looking for more information on Windows 365, then head over to the Microsoft website. As usual, if you have any questions regarding the service, please get in touch, and one of our consultants will be more than happy to help.