a comprehensive range of solutions designed to meet your company's specific IT needs

Our team of experienced and certified IT professionals will work with you to evaluate your current network infrastructure and identify any areas that require improvement. We use state-of-the-art tools and technologies to create a customized solution that meets your unique requirements. Our services include network design and implementation, security assessment and consulting, and ongoing network management and support.



With our comprehensive suite of services, we offer end-to-end network support, from design and implementation to ongoing maintenance and monitoring. Our team of experts has years of experience in creating customized solutions for businesses of all sizes and industries. We understand that every business is unique, and we work closely with you to develop a network that meets your specific needs and requirements.

Our network support services include design and implementation, proactive monitoring, maintenance, and support. We utilize the latest technologies to ensure that your network is always up-to-date and performing at its best. With our proactive approach to network monitoring, we can identify and resolve issues before they become problems, ensuring that your network is always running smoothly.

We also understand the critical importance of cybersecurity in today’s digital landscape. That’s why we offer a range of cutting-edge security solutions to help safeguard your business against cyber threats. Our team of cybersecurity experts has extensive experience in identifying and mitigating risks and can help you maintain the highest level of security for your network. Our security services include vulnerability assessments, security audits, and penetration testing, among others.

At G3 IT Services, we are committed to providing world-class customer service. We understand that IT issues can be frustrating and disruptive to your business, and we’re here to help. Our support team is always available to assist you with any issues or questions you may have. We also offer transparent pricing, with no hidden fees, and a fixed pricing model that can help you plan and budget for your IT needs.

n addition to our network support and cybersecurity services, we also offer a range of other IT services to help your business grow and thrive. These include cloud computing, data backup and recovery, IT consulting, and more. With our comprehensive suite of services, we are your go-to source for all your IT needs

If you’re looking for reliable, secure, and efficient IT networks and security services, look no further than G3 IT Services. Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can help your business succeed.



Email Antispam

Reduce the volume of unsolicited and irrelevant email or unwanted messages that your organization receives, while also mitigating the potential of falling prey to online criminal activities.


Our antivirus solutions utilize award-winning platforms that enable us to monitor and manage your devices 24/7, ensuring that you and your business remain protected against the constant threat of cyberattacks.

Backup & Recovery

Our comprehensive backup and recovery solution guarantees that your valuable data is systematically backed up to multiple cloud secure locations regularly, significantly reducing the risk of any potential data loss.

Are your employees consistently overwhelmed by the sheer volume of spam emails that flood their inboxes daily? Our antispam solution is specifically designed to alleviate this concern by significantly reducing the number of unwanted emails you and your employees receive. This enables you and your team to focus more effectively on critical business matters, such as responding to your clients’ needs.

Our antispam solution employs a unique algorithm that assesses each email and assigns it a spam score. Emails that are identified as spam are automatically quarantined, while emails deemed legitimate are delivered to your inbox as usual. By implementing our antispam solution, you can streamline your email communications and optimize your work productivity, all while maintaining the security of your IT network.

Are you aware that on average, 350,000 malicious programs are detected every day? These programs can potentially gain access to sensitive information and even delete important data from various internet-connected devices within your business. At G3 IT Services, we understand the severity of cyber threats and offer antivirus solutions that utilize award-winning platforms. Our solutions allow us to manage and monitor your devices 24/7, ensuring your business remains safe from any potential cyber attacks.

With our antivirus solution, all devices are constantly scanned, protecting your business from cyber threats. If a threat is detected, it is immediately quarantined, preventing any damage to your device or data. Our support team is available daily to assist you whenever you need it. Whether you prefer to contact us via phone, email, or live chat, a support technician will respond within one working hour to provide the necessary assistance. Don’t leave your business vulnerable to cyber threats, let G3 IT Services help protect your business today.

Many businesses are still relying solely on on-site backup solutions, which can leave them vulnerable to data loss and system downtime in the event of a disaster or cyberattack. Our cutting-edge backup and recovery solution goes above and beyond, by backing up your critical data to both on-site and off-site locations on a regular basis, providing your business with unparalleled data resiliency.

If you’re still using a traditional on-site only backup solution, now is the time to upgrade to our comprehensive backup and recovery solution. Our solution is managed and monitored by our experienced technical support team, ensuring that your data is always protected and readily available in case of an emergency. With your data backed up to multiple locations, you can have peace of mind knowing that your business will always have access to critical information and applications.

Unlock your Full Potential with our IT Support

We are committed to delivering the best IT services and support to our clients. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help your organization. We look forward to the opportunity to work with you.

Address: G3 IT Services LTD, Wolverhampton, West Midlands, United Kingdom.

Opening Hours: Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:00 

Sales Email:

Telephone: 0333 090 1595

Support Phone: 0333 090 1595